Bonus buy dollars are a great way to get prospects to spend more money and buy new media.
Bonus dollars work like this, you set as many bonus levels are you want and you define what the bonus dollar amount is.
For example, when a prospect spends $1,000 dollars you reward them with $100 bonus dollars. Then the next level is set at $2,500 and at this level, your reward is $500. This can go on as long as you want.
So when your prospect has spent $1,900 with you are able to show them they get $100 bonus dollars but if they spend just $600 more they will move up to the next level. So by spending $600 more they really get $1,100 more buying power.
Let’s set up your bonus levels
Go to your dashboard and click on View Company
Scroll down to Bonus Buy Levels and type in the Breakpoint and reward.
Bonus buy Levels do not add up so if your prospect moves to the third level as shown in the image below their reward is only $1,000 and not $1,650.
You can also tune bonus levels on and off by check the bok on the right.